~ An Hour With You~

"Definition of A Mother"

She’s sometimes a friend
Yet, remains a "Mother"
Your relationship is like
That . . . Of no other

Always ready, with advice
At times, your inspiration
So clever, sweet and very nice
To the point of . . . Irritation

She’ll lift you up and praise you
To everyone in her crowd . . .
But, might forget to tell you
How proud she is, aloud

You know that she is human
With many faults of her own
It’s not like she’s "Queen Righteous"
Sitting upon her throne . . .

At times you’ll keep secrets
Or shop till you drop
Other times, she may annoy you
Till you want to scream . . . Stop

As a "Mother" she’ll be teaching
And preaching , as you grow
While trying to create self esteem
And keeping you in the know

A Mother tries to understand
Why you do, the things you do
What makes you laugh
What makes you cry
She really wants to know you

So now that "Mothers Day" is near
Take a little time, and reflect . . .
You’ll realize that you love her
And she merits your respect

Remember her with a gift
of love, showing that you care
Above all else, she is your "Mother"
And for you, God placed her here!

© Judith Johnson Kypta

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Music: "Memory"

Sequenced By Jack Hall
Used With Permission

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