~ An Hour With You~

Mighty Tidal Wave

The blood of Jesus,
Washed o’er my soul,
Like a might tidal wave,
Making me free from sin,
My heart, Jesus Christ will hold.

I am now afloat in a sea of love,
Placed there by God’s loving hands,
He will be my Captain in the sea of life,
Where His goodness is immeasurable,
And sweet heavenly love abounds.

My obedience is my life jacket,
My prayers to Jesus above,
Keep me floating along,
He steers the ship that carries me,
With a heart filled with love.

Oh yes, Jesus is my guidance,
Upon this misty sea,
He will safely carry me home,
With a light from His heart,
He is the beacon shining for me.

Sailing in unfamiliar waters,
His light shines for me once more,
Navigating around unknown dangers,
That could sink this sailing ship,
As it, reaches heaven’s golden shore.

Gayle Davis
January 13, 2003©

Music:  "Till The Storm Passes By"

Sequenced By Bob Sorem
Used With Permission
