~ An Hour With You ~

Just Joey

The very first time that I saw him,
He was standing all alone.
Looking so small and lonesome,
No attention being shown.

There was just something about him,
That touched my heart so.
I asked someone about him but,
No one seemed to know.

I hardly took my eyes from this,
beautiful creation!
I knew that I would have to give,
My consideration.

Others were there that I could see,
And each one had a name.
All were pretty and so special,
But none were just the same

My visit soon was ended and,
I was about to leave.
Then once more he caught my eye,
For him I knew I'd grieve.

I was standing right beside him;
Looked down and saw his name.
To walk away without him would,
Surely be a shame.

"Just Joey" was given as his name,
If you or no one knows;
He now lives in my backyard as,
Just Joey is a rose.


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Music Playing is "Keeper Of The Stars" From
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy Her Music
