~ An Hour With You~

In Quietness

For the peace from woes that torment all through,
Thank You for the stillness of time,
In quietness within, we reach for You,
Touching You we sense the sublime.

Our minds are stayed on You in quietness,
With prayer each heart calms then stills,
Your oasis gleams with beauteousness,
You are the fragrant rose which fills.

In quietness within, You give solace,
Your Presence brings forth peacefulness,
Your Love looms about us as life's necklace,
The Lord's Glory sings loveliness.

Thank You O God for Your tranquility,
Basking in You is happiness,
Hearts quiet with You is serenity,
We praise You for all Your sweetness.

Sondra McPherson
March 1, 2004©

Midi playing "God Grant Us Peace"
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.
