~ An Hour With You~

 God's Light

Rugged and tall, weathered and
Beaten, still it stands.
A beacon to all, a guiding light
To lead the lost to land.
For hundreds of years it has
Endured and still shines bright
For all the many ships that get lost
In the night.

The tide comes in and washes almost
To its base.
And when the storms come, the sea
Foam washes its face...
A symbol for all who view it
Standing all alone
That it's a looming tower of safety,
To bring them home.

Although it performs a great
Necessity for life,
Some forget about it being there
In the moon light.
Doing it's job without any
Complaints or disdain,
Leading lives back to the safety
Of shore once again.

So is our Father who rules the
Heavens above,
Who waits there with arms
Outstretched with love
His light shines forth for all those
Who need to see
But often times He is forgotten like
The lighthouse can be.

The difference between Him and the
Lighthouse on the shore,
Is that he is ready to not only save
Your life, but keep it ever more.
He never gets weather beaten or
Washed by the seas waves
But He sometimes gets sad, because
Your soul He wants to save.

But He gives you the choice to come
And receive,
Just like the lighthouse, do you
Choose to see?
The light that shines forth
From above your head
Will you choose to follow Him,
And have life instead.

Written by
Shirley Barr
June 21, 2004

1st John 1:7 ~ but if we walk in the
Light, as He is in the light,
We have fellowship one with
Another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ, His son, cleanseth us
From all sin.


© UltimateDesigns Graphics, 2001-2003.


Midi playing "My Irish Girl" By: Bruce Deboer
is copyright © by

Used with permission.
Please go and buy his music.
