~ An Hour With You~

Down Upon My Knees

When burdens overcome me,
And no one seems to see,
I call out God’s name,
Down upon my knees.

When the road is pitted,
And travel is beyond me,
I found I move quickly,
Down upon my knees.

Clouds cover my view,
I can’t see where I should be,
I find my destination,
Down upon my knees.

Prayers will be answered,
If to the Lord I plea,
The answers become clearer,
Down upon my knees.

I have found to my surprise,
The tallest I can be,
Is when I lower myself,
Down upon my knees.

Gayle Davis
April 15, 2002 ©





Midi playing "The Ballad of the Cross"

by Elton Smith and Larry Holder
