~ An Hour With You~

Claiming My Soul

Come to me my sweet love,
Wrap your love around my soul,
Pull me closely to you,
Forever my heart to hold.

Lowering your face to mine,
Lips plant faint magical kisses,
Igniting my soul in flames,
A raging fire void of misses.

Slowly you reach out your hand,
Caressing in a rhythmic motion,
Draw me closer still my love,
I am yours in ardent devotion.

Soaring into heavenly bliss,
Melding our bodies into one,
I cry out in sheer ecstasy,
At the euphoric touching done.

I return to earth in body,
My spirit is no longer mine,
It dwells in a lover’s dreamland,
Captured when pure love it entwined.

Gayle Davis
February 6, 2004©


Song: "Love Is A Many Splendid Thing"

by: Jack Hall Permission granted.
