~ An Hour With You~

My friend, this is for you! May you always know the love of the Lord. May you always put Him first and seek Him in every step you take. There is nothing on this earth that can compare to God's love. God's love has no limit. It has no expectations. Seek to know Him more and more each day.  Every single day His mercies are new. No matter the circumstances that life brings, we can know the peace of God that passes all understanding. I pray He surrounds you with His love and you feel it everywhere and know that nothing can separate you from His love.

Soaring high on mountain tops,
extended vastly on eagle wings
wind blows freely through my tuft
renewed vigor in the joy your love brings.

Treading through the deepest, lowest valley;
refreshing springs to cool my weary brow,
Of the life giving streams, I'll quench my thirst
tranquility in any circumstance, I can know.

Soothing, friendly waters or tempest storms
I will keep my eyes on the Master of the sea
walking on water, doing things I never dreamed
for He can calm the turbulence, bring peace to me.

At times it may seem the enemy is gaining ground
When he chases me down, I won't fear, I won't dismay
with confident boldness, I'll turn and look him in the eye
speaking the name of Jesus, he will have to turn away.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morn
Always it seems the darkest, just before the dawn arises
so when twilight falls, I'll wait for your glorious light to shine
Morning tide washes over me, at last I receive my prize.

©TinasHeart 06/12/0




"Tube Of Lady In The Father's Hand From Pataos Tubes"


Because He Lives (S. DeFord)
Sequenced By Bob Sorem
Used With Permission

