~An Hour With You~

A Voiceless Cry

Oh how weeping unvoiced breathes deep torments,
Beautiful love once flowered so,
Embellished with blooms, now subdued's sweet scents,
Wretchedness brings forth a love's woe.

It's a voiceless cry that looms in a heart,
As the beauty of love is torn,
Call out the flowers withering apart,
Away to the winds each fly shorn.

Voiceless is beauty that will cry ever,
For a love cut off in essence,
Speaks a volume in sorrow that never,
Births a bloom to grace a presence.

How the voiceless cry now bellows for life,
Fallen tears scantily touch ground,
Scorched is the heart lacking love tied to strife,
Only to glean thorns that will sound.

Where is all the love and beauty that breathes,
Lifelessness usurps with a gloom,
All the sweetness topping in fragrance leaves,
Thus a voiceless cry has no bloom.

Highly deemed, love's like a flower's beauty,
Preciousness does flourish in God,
A voiceless cry in the night will ne'er be,
If love's sanctioned by Him then awed.

Sondra McPherson
May 25, 2004©


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Song "I Don't Know"
By: Bill Basham
Permission Granted