God sends you
Music of nature every where...
Singing diamonds glittering in the morning dew
Wafting on the morning air.

The tinkling of a cowbell
As cattle graze in the dell,
The zoom of an airplane overhead
And hooting of an owl as you go to bed.

Accompaniment is the rustling of leaves
Gently stroked by an evening breeze
Striking a chord for the bird song
Warbled softly as night comes along.

Twinkling of the bright evening star
Alone in the darkening sky
Signaling moonbeams from afar
To join the chorus of an evening lullaby.

Open your ears and hear
Beautiful music of nature's orchestra
Waiting to strike a note in your heart
Letting you know God is near.

©Jane Ward Smith
July 28, 2007

©Penny Parker, Artist
Webset ©Majestic Websets

Music: "In The Garden"
Music by Margi Harrell
Used With Permission
Please Go And Buy Her Music

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